Power is the
medium through which conflicts of interest are ultimately resolved. While some
view power as a resource (i.e., as something one possesses), others view it as
a social relation characterized by some kind of dependency (i.e., as an
influence over something or someone). Power influences who gets what, when and
Over the years, I have heard comments such
as, “I don’t want that job because I don’t want the responsibility, or that
responsibility isn’t worth the headache.”
While it is true that power and responsibility are synonymous, it is
also true that power+responsibility=corruption at times. Hence, the questions,
“Does absolute power corrupt absolutely?” What will an individual do to “get
what he/she wants, when and how?” In order to answer the aforementioned questions, it
is imperative to give a synopsis of how the theory of “absolute power corrupts
absolutely” emerged.
The Online Library of Liberty (2008) reports that Lord Acton
was one of the great historians of the Victorian
period and one of the greatest classical liberal historians of all time. His
theme was ‘the history of liberty’ and even though he was never able to
complete his magnum opus of that name he did write numerous essays, book
reviews, and lectures. He also was the inspiration behind the multi-volume
Cambridge Modern History. [He wrote to
Bishop Creighton that] the same moral standards should be applied to all men,
political and religious leaders included, especially since ‘Power tends to
corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely’ (1887). [In his letters to Bishop Creighton, Lord Acton
expresses the following:] I cannot accept your canon that we are to judge Pope
and King unlike other men, with a favourable presumption that they did no
wrong. If there is any presumption it is the other way against holders of
power, increasing as the power increases. Historic responsibility has to make
up for the want of legal responsibility. Power tends to corrupt and absolute
power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always bad men, even when they
exercise influence and not authority: still more when you superadd the tendency
or the certainty of corruption by authority. There is no worse heresy than that
the office sanctifies the holder of it.
Lord Acton believed that morals played a
critical role in corruption. Indeed, anyone in authority that does not abide by
laws, policies, rules, and regulations, is viewed as a rebel that commits
immoral acts. They believe they are above the law and will abuse their power
“in the best interest of the company or the organization.” Absolute power can
lead to corruption. We have seen many politicians, doctors, lawyers, preachers,
and educators fall because of their hunger for power. The truth is that no one
is exempt from corruption and corruption hurts many. Corruption damages lives
and no one is exempt from its pain.Shapiro, Ingols, & Blake-Beard (2011) contend that
to be
successful, all managers—male and female—must be proficient in the use of
power. But does the exercise of power mean the same thing for both men and
women? We would argue “no,” that there are gendered expectations regarding how
men and women are supposed to use power, and that both men and women may face a
double bind when enacting power.
ability to get things done through people—is said to be the key to success in
business and, indeed, everything else in life. Power would thus seem to be an
unalloyed good, something to always seek and exercise. But this is not how
power is seen by many or most people. By identifying human power with nature
(with fact, with how the world is) instead of with justice (with value, with
how the world ought to be), these ideas strip human power of its moral
dimension, of its connection to what is right and good. Such amoral reasoning
about power turns to amoral practice in ideas about how to manage power in
individuals who come into some type of authority care about making a name for them
and want to do things that will benefit them in future endeavors. Malhotra
& Gino (2011, pp. 559-592) share that “people experiencing a sense of
entitlement, who therefore have inflated aspirations about what is to be gained
from the exchange relationship, will be more likely to engage in exploitative
and opportunistic behavior as a means to achieve these aspirations.” Those
“entitled” individuals see themselves above everyone else. They do not value
others’ positions, thoughts, time, or worth. Individuals with absolute power
who believe they are “entitled” often commit immoral acts in order to justify
their “entitlement.” The unethical acts commonly consist of tampering with
files and records, obtaining perks, and stealing money.
Organizations as a whole can also be
corrupt. In order to maintain a certain status, organizations
will do unethical
things to get desired results. Morgan
(2006, p. 173) states,
understandings of problems and issues often act as mental straitjackets that prevent
us from seeing other ways of formulating basic concerns and finding the
alternative courses of action. Many of these unobtrusive controls are
‘cultural’ in the sense that they are built into organizational assumptions,
beliefs, and practices about ‘who we are’ and ‘the way we do things around
can manipulate information to get consumers/clients to believe that they are
providing a quality service when indeed they are not. They make things appear
attractive, organized, and glamorous but underneath it all, they are rotten to
the core. Many organizations exploit their workers by making them work extra
hours without pay, making them work in deplorable conditions, not giving them
full benefits, and threatening and intimidating them.
So the question remains, “Does
absolute power corrupt absolutely?” Only you can determine your own truth.
Goh, E., & Kuczynski, L. (2009). Agency
and Power of Single Children in Multi-
Families in Urban Xiamen, China. Culture & Psychology , 506-
Malhotra, D., & Gino, F. (2011). The
Pursuit of Power Corrupts; How Investing in
Outside Options
Motivates Opportunism in Relationships. Administrative Science Quarterly
, 559-592.
Morgan, G.
(2006). Images of Organization. Thousand Oaks: Sage.
Sandelands, L.
(2008). Thy Will Be Done? Journal of Management Inquiry , 137-142.
Shapiro, M.,
Ingols, C., & Blake-Beard, S. (2011). Using Power to Influence Outcomes:
Does Gender
Matter. Journal of Management Education , 713-748.
The Online Library of Liberty. (2008,
September 3). Retrieved October 24, 2013, from
The Online
Library of Liberty: oll.libertyfund.org